What Clients Say
"Working with Ronnell and Growing Greatness Now LLC was a wonderful experience for me and my whole team. I am so grateful for his incredible communication, accountability, and ability to deliver on everything he set forth to do with and for us."

Breaking Through Systemic Barriers That Cause Poverty, Young Invincibles
Ronnell Hampton is an urban sustainability planner, writer, and podcaster. As a young advocate, he advocates for issues that affect young adults, underserved and underrepresented communities.
Exploring the Relationship Between Park Equity & Social Determinants of Health in Long Beach
This research presents a comprehensive study examining the relationship between green space and social determinants of health in Long Beach, California. The research delves into the history of Long Beach parks and recreation, highlighting the city's efforts in promoting public spaces over the years.
Additionally, it makes recommendations on how the City of Long Beach can involve impacted communities in the decision related to park equity.

Published Erasing the Red Line: Building Capacity within Community Based Organizations
Originally written in 2017, this writing lays out historical and innovative ways community based organizations have and are addressing race based policy and urban design.

California Water Crisis
Building Equity in the Ever-Evolving Infrastructure of Water in LA
Water policy is changing in Los Angeles and we can ensure that water infrastructure moves towards more equity, green infrastructure, and sustainability.

Disaster Relief Preparedness
Victims Compensation Report
As Principal Equity Strategist, our founder Ronnell Hampton wrote the Victim Compensation Report for LA Civil Rights.

The Good Food Zone, Los Angeles Food Policy Council
The Good Food Zone policy was developed to address these challenges in local communities by increasing access to healthy, fresh food and create economic incentives for businesses that offer healthy options.

Published Infrastructure of Race-Based Policies and the Outcomes of Poverty
The lack of acknowledging how these practices, traditions, and laws still affect the outcomes of academics, economics, and health for African Americans, and other marginalized groups is a disservice to all Americans.

Community Led Decision Making
Participatory Budget Transmittal.
As Principal Equity Strategist, our founder Ronnell Hampton wrote the LA REPAIR Transmittal for LA Civil Rights.

Data Informed Decision Making
Budget Equity Assessment
LA City City Council instructed the Civil, Human Rights and Equity Department (CHRED) to conduct an annual assessment of the Mayor’s proposed budget to identify potential inequities

Landscape Interventions in the Natural Environment
Fire Management Equity in California Wildfire Crisis, Growing Greatness Now
It is imperative that our urban and wildland forest environment management processes be changed in order to be more equitable, sustainable and economically inclusive. Redirecting funding towards holistic approaches to forest management that address the neglect caused by a century of fire suppression policies is vital.

Food Justice
Los Angeles Food Policy Annual Report
Although the past year has been incredibly difficult, the LAFPC Team continues to work alongside our communities in this Good Food Movement to ensure food is healthy, sustainable, affordable, and fair.

COVID-19 Equity Efforts
County-wide Vaccinate LA & Heal Together
This campaign works to make access to COVID vaccines fast and easy for every Angeleno. We provide you and your family with resources, such as interviews with experts, to help you make the best choice for your health.

Urban Beautification
Collaboration with the Los Angeles Police Department to Improve Community and Police Relations in Each Council District.
The LA Street Art Initiative is a socio-emotional arts program that brings youth, professional artists, and community members together to design, co-create, and paint public murals.

Urban Design Consultation, South Central Farms
Field Study Cal Poly Pomona School of Environmental Design
Provided a framework for Resiliency Hubs that was applied to student's fieldwork project designs for South Central Farms.

Trainings & Workshops, University California Los Angeles
Labor and Occupational Hazard, Training for Construction and Environmental Careers-Black Workers Center Ready2Work Program [Los Angeles, CA]
The goal of the Environmental Career Worker Training Program (ECWTP) is to train individuals for jobs in the construction, environmental remediation, energy efficiency, and hazardous waste fields with a focus on recruiting from underserved, urban communities disproportional affected by environmental exposures.

Urban Policy Institute, Urban Food Policy Forum | Food Forward NYC:
Policy in New York City for the Next Decade and Steps toward Implementation, Panelist
In this session, key New York City food policy makers will present the City’s newly released first ever 10-Year Food Policy Plan “Food Forward NYC” and will be joined by fellow food policy leaders from other cities to reflect on the next steps in the plan implementation and key lessons from similar policies being implemented elsewhere.

American Institute of Architects, Encompass: Inclusive Architecture Conference
Urban Resilience: Planning for Equitable & Healthy Communities, Panelist
As programmed by the newly launched JEDI Committee, the 4th annual Encompass Conference will serve as a joint AIA-LA & So Cal NOMA’s post Covid-19 challenge, to come together, and refocus our commitment to environmental justice, equity, diversity and inclusion.

Child Support Advocacy
Policy Link “The Payback Problem: Why Child Support in California Goes to the Government Instead.”
Advocates, local government officials, and the philanthropic community have partnered to raise awareness of California’s flawed child support system, and state legislators, supported by the advocacy of impacted individuals, are advancing bills this legislative session that would ensure children receive 100% of their child support (SB 337), eliminate the 10% interest rate on outstanding child support debt owed to the government (AB 1092)

Operationalizing Equity in City Government
FUSE Corps, “Reducing Hate Crimes and Building a More Inclusive Los Angeles”
RONNELL HAMPTON facilitates policy and urban design development using a collective impact approach. He manages community organizing by cultivating relationships with people disproportionately impacted by urban disparities, community organizations, and government agencies at the local, state, and federal levels.

Child Support Advocacy
“California Lawmakers Take Aim at ‘Punitive’ Child Support System for Low-income Families,”
Anti-poverty advocates hope the bills will provide more resources to children and families in need. Ronnell Hampton testifies at a Senate Human Services Committee hearing on SB 337, April 8, 2019. (Video frame from Senate hearing)
Evan Kleiman Good Food Podcast
“Solving inequity and injustice in LA’s food landscape,” podcast guest.
Podcast Curation & Production
LISC LA Changemakers Building Capacity for Workforce Development Organizations to Improve Service Delivery and Upward Mobility for Their Target Demographics, Growing Greatness Now
Podcast Curation & Production
LISC LA Changemakers School to Career Pipeline-Managing Equity Outcomes Through Industry and Academic Coordination During & After COVID-19, Growing Greatness Now
Podcast Guest
Duke University Sanford World Food Policy Center Podcast “Behind the Scenes of LA’s Good Food Zone Policy,”